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Revision Policy

Puzzlebox Audio Revision Policy


Effective Date: 1st January 2024


1. Purpose:

This Revision Policy ("Policy") is established by Puzzlebox Audio ("Company") to govern the revision process for audio content provided to clients.


2. Revision Requests:


2.1 Initial Delivery Evaluation: Clients are strongly encouraged to thoroughly evaluate the initial delivery of the audio content. If revisions are deemed necessary, clients are permitted to submit a formal revision request.


2.2 Revision Requests Window: Clients have 14 days from the date of initial delivery to submit a revision request.


2.3 Nature of Revisions: Revision requests should be specific and must clearly outline the desired changes or improvements. Priority will be given to revisions related to deviations from agreed specifications or technical issues impacting usability.


2.4 Revision Limit: Each project includes 3 rounds of revisions. Additional revisions may be considered at the Company's discretion, and supplementary charges may be applicable.


2.5 Reasonable Adjustments: Revisions are intended for reasonable adjustments to meet the initial project scope. Extensive changes or new creative directions may be subject to additional fees.


3. Submission Process:


3.1 Formal Request: Clients must formally submit a revision request through the [specified channel]. The submission must include detailed explanations and, if applicable, examples illustrating the requested changes.


3.2 Assessment Period: The Company's team will assess the revision request and communicate the feasibility and expected timeline for implementation.


3.3 Approval/Adjustment: Upon approval, adjustments will be made accordingly. If the requested revisions exceed the initial project scope, Puzzlebox Audio may propose a new agreement or provide a quote for additional work.


4. Conclusion:


This Revision Policy is designed to ensure a fair and transparent process for both parties. It allows for reasonable adjustments within a defined timeframe while aiding the Company in managing its workload effectively.


5. Governing Law:


This Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom. Any disputes arising under or in connection with this Policy shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the United Kingdom.


6. Amendments:


The Company reserves the right to amend or modify this Policy at its discretion. Clients will be notified of any changes, and the revised Policy shall become effective on the date specified in the notification.

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