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Refund Policy

Puzzlebox Audio Refund Policy


Effective Date: 1st January 2024


1. Conditions for Refunds:


1.1 Significant Deviation from Agreed Specifications: Refunds may be considered if the audio content delivered by Puzzlebox Audio significantly deviates from the specifications agreed upon during the initial discussion or as outlined in the service agreement. This includes, but is not limited to, issues related to genre, style, or specific content requirements.


1.2 Technical Issues Impacting Usability: Refunds will be granted in cases where technical issues directly impact the usability of the delivered audio content. This includes issues such as corrupted files, incompatibility with standard audio software, or other technical shortcomings rendering the content unusable.


1.3 Failure to Meet Agreed Upon Deadlines: A refund may be considered if Puzzlebox Audio fails to deliver the audio content within the mutually agreed-upon timeframe, and the delay is not attributable to the client. This provision does not apply if the delay results from unforeseen circumstances or agreed-upon changes during the production process.


2. Refund Request Process:


2.1 Submit Detailed Request: Clients seeking a refund under the outlined conditions must submit a detailed refund request, clearly specifying the reasons for the refund and providing evidence or examples illustrating the deviation from agreed specifications or technical issues.


2.2 Assessment Period: Upon receiving the refund request, Puzzlebox Audio will conduct a thorough assessment of the provided evidence and the delivered audio content. This process may involve communication with the client to gather additional information.


2.3 Refund Decision: A refund decision will be communicated to the client within 30 business days of receiving the request. If the conditions for a refund are met, the client will be issued a refund using the original payment method.


3. Exceptions:


Refunds will not be granted under the following circumstances:


3.1 If the client has used or distributed the delivered audio content extensively.


3.2 If the client has made significant changes to the audio content after delivery.


4. Conclusion:

This refund policy is designed to ensure a fair and reasonable process for both parties involved. Puzzlebox Audio is committed to resolving issues promptly and maintaining a positive client experience. For any questions or concerns, please contact our support team at

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